Gorham Parks & Recreation
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Pillo Hockey Register View Cart

Pillo Hockey is similar to floor hockey but is played with a soft, nerf-style ball and stick. Pillo hockey is for grades K-2 only and games will be played Saturdays, March8th - April 5th at Shaw Gym. Games times are TBD based on the number of registrations. 

Pillo Hockey
  • $55 registration cost
  • Saturday morning games, time tbd based off of the number of registrations
  • Games played at Shaw Gym
  • Coaches Needed!
  • No practices, games only
  • All kids grades K-2 will play in the same division


• Each team will start with a 15 minute warmup led by the coach. This will include stretching exercises and practice shots on goal.
• The game consists of four, 8 minute quarters. The clock will stop at the 4 minute mark for substitutions. The clock will be running time and will only stop at the 4 minute mark. There will be a 5 minute break for half time.
• Pillo hockey will be played 5v5 (not including a goalie). Line up will consist of 3 forwards, 2 defense. Forwards can go anywhere on the court and the defense is encouraged not to go over half court.
• Each period will start with a faceoff.
• There will be no scorekeeping. The scoreboard is only used to keep time.
• Children should not be left unattended in the hallways!
• Please throw your trash away. Food and drink are not allowed in the gym.

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Pillo Hockey 
N/A K - 2 Sa  03/08/2025 - 04/05/2025
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

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$55.00 R, $55.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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